Horticulture Presentations & Outreach

Julie, your Jefferson County Horticulture Outreach Specialist, is available to provide presentations on a variety of gardening related topics for groups and organizations. To schedule a presentation contact Julie at julie.hill@wisc.edu or 262-741-4958.

NEW for 2024! What’s the Deal with No Mow May?

“No Mow May” has become a catchy phrase in Wisconsin, encouraging homeowners to allow their lawns to grow during May. But does this practice actually support pollinators? Join us to learn about how an unmowed lawn impacts (or may impact) pollinators and how you can support pollinators all year long. We will share science-based resources to help you make informed decisions about lawn care and create a pollinator-friendly landscape.

NEW for 2024! Gardening Small

Growing veggies and flowers seems out of the question when space is precious, especially in a small yard, no yard, or a patio/balcony. Keeping in mind the basics of plant health, we will explore ways that you can maximize the space that you do have. We’ll review a variety of methods such as container, square foot, vertical gardening and hydroponics.

Beyond Birdfeeders: How to be a bird-friendly gardener all year long

There are many benefits to both wildlife and people when you prioritize the needs of birds where you garden. We will talk about gardening practices you can do throughout the year to encourage bird visitors, plus birdfeeders, water, and how to improve shelter and nesting sites. 

Tree Troubles: Factors of Tree Decline and Spongy Moth Management

There are a variety of factors contributing to the declining health of trees in our landscape, in particular the oaks. In addition, spongy moths have become a well-known pest in the past couple years. Join us to learn about the stressors facing oak trees, how to promote healthy trees and options for managing spongy moths in your yard.
(*Note – this one can also be trimmed to only talk about spongy moths)

Gardeners Lead the Way: Practical Approaches to Gardening in a Changing Climate

We will discuss the basics of climate and the carbon cycle so we have a common understanding of what climate change is, the impacts of climate change in Wisconsin, and the relationship between gardens and gardeners to climate change. We will discuss how you, as gardeners, no matter your experience or expertise of gardening, no matter if you have a large, small or no yard, can help lead the way through sustainable gardening practices to slow down climate change.

Planting for a Buzz: A Guide to Pollinator Friendly Gardening

Learn more about how you can plan for your yard and garden to be pollinator-friendly this year. We will talk about the pollinators that live in your landscape, why they are at risk, and gardening practices you can do to support pollinator habitats and health.

From Scraps to Soil: Composting Basics

Have you ever wondered about making your compost? In this overview of composting basics, find out the do’s, the don’ts, and what happens to compost over winter so you can successfully recycle your lawn, garden and food scraps.

Growing Vegetables in Containers

Growing vegetables in containers is a great way to grow fresh food without needing a lot of space. Almost any vegetable can be grown in a container. Learn about how to select and care for a variety of vegetables, from leafy greens to root crops, and keep them thriving all season long.

Fall Gardening for a Winter-Ready Landscape

Even though the days are getting shorter and winter is around the corner, your gardening tasks are not done yet! Join us for this overview of gardening practices for pest prevention, plant protection, and garden/lawn preparation. We will discuss garden clean-up in relation to diseases, insects, and wildlife food; fall lawn care, protecting susceptible plants from snow/cold damage and more.

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