4-H Record Books & Awards



Years of Membership

All 4-H members are honored for their years of participation in the Jefferson County 4-H program. Members receive a membership pin for 1, 5, 10 years of participation. Cloverbud members receive a certificate for completing the Cloverbud program as they move up in 4-H. Graduating members receive a graduation certificate as they graduate from High School or complete their 13th year of 4-H.

Record Book

Record Books are not a mandatory requirement for Jefferson County 4-H members but are highly encouraged. A record book documents a member’s activities and accomplishments during the current 4-H year; providing a part of their complete 4-H experience. Some local clubs require their members to complete an annual record book. Please check with your club leader to see if this is a requirement for your club.

Record Books may be turned in to the Extension Office by the member OR the club leader. They can be turned in at anytime, but must be in the office by September 1, 2024. Record Books will be evaluated at the county level. Clubs may choose to do their own evaluation also; which would be completed prior to the County deadline of September 1, 2024.

       MEMBER RECORD BOOKS (Grades 3-13)


Clover Award

All Jefferson County 4-H members third grade and older are eligible and encouraged to participate in this countrywide special recognition program.

The Clover Award Program is designed to recognize 4-H members for their active participation in club and county activities and events. By participating in activities and events, members can earn points towards recognition steps.

4-H members may take more than one year to earn a Clover Award before starting to earn the next Clover Award. This means you may take 13-14 months to finish before starting the next “Step” in the current 4-H year.

You may take a point for an activity or an event only once. An activity or an event cannot be repeated on the application. You cannot carry over points (or activities) to the next “Step”. The 4-H year is October 1 to September 30.

The program has five recognition steps each having minimum requirements for completion. A Clover Award certificate and frame will be given to those earning their Green Award. Award seals will be given upon completion of each step, and upon completing their Emerald Award members will receive a $50.00 honorarium. The recognition steps include:

  • Step #1  Green Clover Award                       25 points (minimum 18 club level, 2 county)
  • Step #2  Bronze Clover Award                      29 points (minimum 18 club level, 3 county)
  • Step #3  Silver Clover Award                        31 points (minimum 18 club level, 4 county)
  • Step #4  Gold Clover Award                         32 points (minimum 18 club level, 5 county)
  • Step #5  Emerald Clover Award                    35 points (minimum 18 club level, 6 county)

Clover Award Application Form

Project Award

4-H is about learning by doing. We know that each of you is learning in your project areas, and we want to hear about it. All Jefferson County 4-H members third grade and older are eligible and encouraged to apply for a project award.

Project Awards are offered in ANY project area that you enroll in at the beginning of the 4-H year (check out the 4-H Enrollment Guide if you are unsure what is considered a project area). You can apply for Project Awards in three project areas per year, but are only able to receive two awards per year. Project awards will be presented to members who have reached their project goals, gained knowledge and skills and shown leadership, growth, achievement within a project. See the application below for further details.

      Project Award Application Form – Jefferson County Project Award

Wisconsin 4-H Key Award

As 4-H members, we make a commitment. A commitment to ourselves, and those around us. Our commitment is to four H’s – head, heart, hands, and health. These are the words that hundreds, or thousands, of 4-H members say – and work to live by. Each time we say the pledge, we promise to give our all – not just for me, or my club, or my community – but also for the whole world.

As a way to recognize the 4-H members who truly embrace and live this commitment, Wisconsin has developed The Wisconsin Key Award: one of the highest honors awarded to top-notch 4-H members in their 11th -13th grade years. Young people who can say, in true 4-H ways, that they have dedicated their heads, hearts, hands and health to their club, their community, their country and their world deserve recognition and honor.

Young people for this award can either SELF NOMINATE themselves or BE NOMINATED by a club leader or the Jefferson County 4-H Educator who can vouch for their 4-H commitment. Often, young people don’t see the good they do – and the nomination process can be a way of sharing with young people they are not only seen, but commended.

To Nominate a Jefferson County 4-H Member visit the following link: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9p0MIuT6Pj5od9k


Officer Record Books

Annually local 4-H clubs elect their officer team for the current 4-H year. All officers are encouraged to keep a record book/document of their officer and club happenings during the year. The Treasurer and Secretary books are requirements for the club to turn in to the County annually. All officer record books are eligible for awards. Below are the suggested record books for the Treasurer and Secretary position. Other officer books do not have an official format that must be followed.

Hands to Larger Service

The 2nd H in the 4-H pledge is about pledging our hands to service. 4-H clubs (and members) who complete Community Service events in the name of 4-H should be honored for the things they do. Each club should complete the “My Hands to Larger Service” Log to record the service activities that club members individually and your club as a whole do throughout the year. The clubs with the highest percentage of involvement will receive a monetary award. Each club who completes the log will be honored for their service.

Green and Gold Award

The Green and Gold Award recognizes youth and/or leaders that have demonstrated a consistent effort of volunteer services to their club, county, project and/or the association. Adult Volunteers must be certified leaders with Jefferson County 4-H.


Years of Service

All 4-H certified volunteers are honored for their years of service in the Jefferson County 4-H program. Leaders/Volunteers receive a service pin and/or certificate for 1, 5, 10 and so forth for their years of service. Volunteers achieving a milestone service year within the 4-H calendar year will receive an email from the Extension Office typically in July/August seeking their preference to receive a pin, certificate or both. This is awarded to volunteers at the annual recognition banquet.

Green and Gold Award

The Green and Gold Award recognizes youth and/or leaders that have demonstrated a consistent effort of volunteer services to their club, county, project and/or the association. Adult Volunteers must be certified leaders with Jefferson County 4-H.

Friend of 4-H

The Friend of 4-H Award honors an individual, group, organization or business that has provided ongoing and significant services to support the 4-H program in Jefferson County. This could be on the club, project or county level.

If you would like to nominate an individual or business that assists the 4-H program in their success, please fill out the Friend of 4-H nomination form so that this person will be considered. Ask club members and leaders for suggestions. The nomination form can be filled out by clubs or individuals. There is no limit to the number of nominations that can be made.

Volunteer of the Year

The 4-H Volunteer of the Year Award honors a 4-H certified leader/volunteer who has been part of the Jefferson County 4-H Program for 10 or fewer years. The Volunteer of the Year is someone who goes above and beyond for the 4-H program in Jefferson County. Nominate exceptional volunteers using the Volunteer of the Year Nomination form below. Ask club members and leaders for suggestions. The nomination form can be filled out by clubs or individuals. There is no limit to the number of nominations made.

Lifetime Volunteer

The Lifetime Volunteer Award honors a 4-H certified leader/volunteer who has been part of the Jefferson County 4-H Program for 11 or more years. The Lifetime Volunteer Award goes to someone who demonstrates exemplary service to 4-H while promoting service through volunteerism as both an opportunity and a privilege. Nominate exceptional volunteers using the Lifetime Volunteer nomination form below. Ask club members and leaders for suggestions. The nomination form can be filled out by clubs or individuals. There is no limit to the number of nominations made.

4-H Hall of Fame

In recognition of the Wisconsin 4-H Centennial, an inaugural 4-H Hall of Fame was started in 2014. A 4-H Hall of Fame provides statewide recognition for individuals and external organizations with significant contributions to the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development program on every level, preserve Wisconsin 4-H history and development, and has the potential to increase awareness of the 4-H Youth Development program. Potential recipients include 4-H volunteers, 4-H pioneers, external collaborating organizations and businesses, community leaders and retired Cooperative Extension staff.

For guidelines on this nomination and additional details, please refer to the State 4-H website at: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/wi4hhof/

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